____ 1. I have signed, BUT NOT DATED, all registration papers for my dogs (pets) so that they may be legally sold or given to new appropriate homes in the event of my disability or death.

_____ 2. At this time, January 2010, or ___________my household/kennel consists of the following dogs/animals:
a.__________________________________   b._________________________________


c.__________________________________   d._________________________________


e.__________________________________   f._________________________________


g.__________________________________   h._________________________________


i.__________________________________    j._________________________________
(more continued on back)

_____ 3. In the event of my disability or death, the following dogs/animals are to be put down;
a.__________________________________   b._________________________________


c.__________________________________   d._________________________________

_____ 4. The following dogs/animals are to be fixed (spayed/neutered):

a.__________________________________   b._________________________________


c.__________________________________   d._________________________________

_____ 5. In the event of my disability or death, the following person/persons are to be given custody of my dogs/animals and they have the right to; determine their value, to sell, to keep, or to place them: (Based on listed dogs/animals above.)


Dog/animal a (name) _______________________________ (ph)________________

Dog/animal a (name) _______________________________ (ph)________________

Dog/animal a (name) _______________________________ (ph)________________


Dog/animal a (name) _______________________________ (ph)________________

_____ 6. The People or Institutions mentioned in Article 5 are aware of my wishes and have agreed to accept custody.

_____ 7. Any monies from the sale of my dogs/animals are to be used for:



_____ 8: None of my dogs/animals may be sold, given, or placed into the following situations:

a.__________________________________   b._________________________________


c.__________________________________   d._________________________________

_____ 9. After 30 days from the beginning use of this document, any of my remaining dogs/animals are to be:

a.__________________________________   b._________________________________


c.__________________________________   d._________________________________

10: Monies for medical care, feeding, housing, and grooming of my dogs/animals for these first 30 days are available in the following place and from the following person or institution:




Additional information regarding the pets/dogs listed above can be found in the following locations;








Signed; ______________________________________        Dated; ________________



This document is to be reviewed and revised annually or as needed. Also this document should be made aware to any and all people that may be involved.